Open Heart Kitchen 在都柏林、普莱森顿和利弗莫尔的多个地点提供个人和团体志愿者机会。我们所有的志愿者机会都在周一至周五进行。
当您在 Open Heart Kitchen 做志愿者时,无论您是自愿帮助我们的生产厨房工作人员准备和烹饪饭菜,与我们的移动临时食品储藏室团队一起分发杂货,还是在我们的高级餐和热餐用餐地点直接为客户提供餐点你们正在帮助三谷创造一个更加粮食安全的未来。
所有对志愿服务感兴趣的人必须年满 16 岁。我们要求所有志愿者提交以下文件:志愿者弃权书和 Covid-19 疫苗接种证明。 18 岁以上的人还必须接受背景调查。
我们所有的志愿者轮班都是提前安排的。完成必要的文书工作后,欢迎您在我们的任何站点注册成为志愿者。 OHK 的志愿者时间表非常灵活,并且没有最低承诺要求。我们欢迎志愿者每周、每月、偶尔或只要有能力就与我们一起工作。
Step One:
Complete a volunteer application on Better Impact.
Step Two:
For those who are 16 or 17 years old - have a legal guardian sign the volunteer waiver in the application on your behalf.
For those who are 18 years old or older - sign the volunteer waiver in the application and complete a criminal background check.
Step Three:
Once all the paperwork is received, volunteers will gain access to OHK's online volunteer portal to begin signing up for shifts.
All of OHK’s volunteer shifts must be scheduled in advance, however our schedule is flexible and there are no minimum commitments. We welcome volunteers to work alongside us weekly, monthly, or just every once in a while.

Volunteers make the difference.
"I have volunteered with Open Heart Kitchen for over 5 years. Prior to the pandemic I volunteered in the kitchen assisting the chefs in preparing nutritious meals for the seniors. For the past 3 years I have been part of the team providing fresh produce and groceries at pop-up locations. Working with the staff and the other volunteers has always been a great experience. The staff is always for grateful for the volunteer's time. Open Heart Kitchen truly is a Great Nonprofit!"
-Barbara, Volunteer